Thursday, April 10, 2008

emerging technology

Technology is constantly changing. It is a very important part of our society, which has a huge influence us. As a future teacher, I am looking mainly at emerging technologies in the classroom. As I searched for new technologies in the classroom online I realized that there are a lot more than I had ever expected. Each of these not only has an impact on me as the teacher but also my students.
One emerging technology that can be used in the classroom is Smart boards. These pieces of technology have become very big within the last four to six years. I remember using them in my high school classrooms, and loved them. These pieces of technology are very useful to the teachers for many reasons. One, teachers can put up their entire lesson plan for the day on the smart board, instead of having to continue writing on the chalk board or white board. My teachers loved this because it took them because it allowed them to be more interactive with their students during their lessons, instead of just looking at the board and writing. Smart boards also have a huge impact on student learning. These pieces of technology allow for more interaction between students, teachers, and the classroom as a whole. I noticed that more students would pay attention during lectures because they found the technology “cool.” Also, more students would volunteer to participate in class because that meant they got to “play” with the Smart board. Therefore, Smart boards make learning fun and engaging for both the students and the teachers.
Another emerging technology would be E-collaboration. This is a program where you can be in contact with another person or group across the country. This is like the program Skype, where you can visually see the other person(s) you are talking with. However, this program also allows you to have a white board where you can have some kind of interaction between those on both sides of the camera. This can be useful for teachers because they can post a worksheet or some type of lesson ideas on this board, as well as talk to them through the camera. This program is extremely useful for students because they can talk with other students or their teacher through this program. They can contact another student in the class and both do the assignment together at the same time online. They can help each other through the interactive camera and white board.
A third emerging technology would be the Eee PC computer. This is a new computer that has just come out and is a very small. It is supposed to be easy to learn, work and play. These new small computers would be great for younger students because of many reasons. One, they are easier to carry around and fit almost in any small bag. Second, since the keyboard is smaller it would be very useful for younger students to learn how to type. This is because it would fit their little hands better than a regular size computer keyboard. This piece of technology could also be very useful for teachers because then it could let their students research stuff in their classroom at their desks. Instead of having to send three or four students to the library to find information, the teachers could keep the students with them in their classroom. The teacher could also have all the students go to certain web-pages to show the entire class something at once. This would also allow each student to have it on their own individual computer, so when they go home they wouldn’t have to find the web-page again.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Distance Education

5 pros of virtual schools:
1) This program helps students learn to be independent, especially those in high school.
2) Lets parents keep their child at home for their own reason
3) Doesn’t cost anything
4) Program can be done anywhere
5) Teachers get more money and a more flexible time
5 cons of virtual schools:
1) Requires a lot of work for parents
2) Children don’t have social interaction with other kids
3) It’s hard to assess student work to make sure its theirs and they aren’t getting help from parent
4) There may not be someone around who is capable of helping and explaining lessons
5) Students spend most of their on the computer all day instead of outside or moving around in a classroom
Discussion of three issues:
Personally, I do not like this program. First of all, it requires a ton of work for parents to prepare for the next day lessons. This would be an added stress to me as a parent. I would rather have a professional trained teacher teach my child instead of me, the parent, who doesn’t know much about teaching. Secondly, this program does not allow for student-to-student interactions. These interactions and socializations between students are very important for the growth of young children. Therefore, the fact that this program does not have this it is a downfall. These interactions between students are necessary in my mind. Thirdly, by having everything online students have to spend the entire day staring at a computer. This is terrible for children. Even taking breaks would not help much because they have to continue to do this every day. For these reasons and many more, I do not really care for this program.
Skills that would be necessary to teach within a virtual school:
In order to be successful as a virtual school teacher I would need to have many skills. Some of them would include organization, strong technology skills, communication skills, time management skills, and multi-tasking skills. All of these are very important and necessary to be successful. So far, I am already good at most of these necessary skills; however, I would need to improve on my technology skills before I become a teacher on this program. I do not think I would be interested in this type of a teaching job. It is nice that you get to teach from anywhere and that it allows you a flexible schedule, as well as the fact that you earn more money. However, I am excited about having my own classroom and seeing my students faces every day. Plus, I believe seeing them in person would help most of them become more successful and learn better.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

concept mapping software

Concept Mapping can be very helpful and useful. Teachers can use concept mapping in many different ways. One could use these ideas in many different subjects within the classroom. For example, a teacher could use a concept map in a science lesson about animals. The students could classify the animals under different categories, such as mammals and reptiles. Concept mapping could also be used in a math lesson. When explaining subtraction to younger children you can use manipulatives. You can show these manipulative in a concept map by shading areas and taking away areas. This will help demonstrate subtraction in a concept map. Of course teachers could also use concept mapping in literature or reading. This would be easy because children could make spider web-like concept maps about a character, scene, setting, etc. This is probably the most common way teachers use concept mapping.
Concept mapping is very useful within the classroom because it can give information to children in a different way. Concept mapping is normally presented in a visual manner, which can help those students who are more visually oriented. Concept mapping is also very colorful which helps keeps young children’s attention. Children normally are attracted to colorful objects. Having them create their own concept map that is colorful will allow them to keep interest and be more willing to fill out the concept map.
I do not think its going to take long to learn this application. It is fairly simple and easily organized. The directions are also very easy and clearly stated. I would feel very comfortable itegrating this into my classroom after I learn the application, which as I stated will not take me very long. It would definitely be worth my time to learn this application and use it in my classroom. This application will be very useful to students, especially those who learn visually.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blogs in Education

1. There are many different blogs that can be found in search engines. Many of them are also being used in interesting ways within k-12 classrooms. For example, some blogs give learning tools or websites that help with a specific subject. Another blogs show how to use technology in the classroom. Other blogs are specifically set up for an elementary schools, and give details/events at the school. Finally, other blogs connect communities and the classroom. Each blog tends to have their own idea, purpose, and individuality. This is why many blogs are not the same in subject and can be used in many different ways within a classroom.
2. Aggregators are very useful within a classroom. They reduce the time and effort needed to regularly check websites for updates. For example, one aggregator I looked at gives information about schools across the United States. It is like a newspaper that shares new information that happened that day within different education school systems. I could use this aggregator in my classroom to keep updating on new education news that in happening all over the United States.
3. Using aggregators and blogging can be very helpful and have a positive impact on k-12 students. Students can find all sorts of new information that is for the most part reasonable and new. They are good uses for students. Most of these are reliable and there is a variety of them, which is helpful so you student’s don’t always run into the same information over again.
4. One pro of using aggregators is that the information that shows up on these is normally new. The information is fairly new and recent. Also, blogs and aggregators can give helpful advice to teachers on subjects they can teach in the classroom. This can help them think outside of the box and come up with new ways to teach ideas. One bad thing about aggregators is that it could be difficult for students or parents to use. This could cause a problem for them if the teacher asked a student or parent to look at stuff on an aggregator website. Another con is that aggregators can be very time consuming. Sometimes it is difficult to find what you are looking for on an aggregator. This can be frustrating and time consuming.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Multiple Intelligence in the classroom

1. After taking the quiz on multiple intelligences, I found out that my strengths are Interpersonal and Intrapersonal. The core characteristics for Interpersonal include collaborative skills, cooperative attitude, leadership, social influence, social empathy and social connection. The core characteristics for Intrapersonal include affective awareness, ethical awareness, self-regulation and metacognition. I believe that self-regulation is one of the characteristics that explains me the best. I am very conscious of my thoughts, actions and behaviors whenever I get involved in any sort of activity. Another core characteristic that describes me would be collaborative and cooperative. In any setting, especially in school, I am always willing to accept input in order to make my work better. I also love to collaborate with others on projects. Doing this helps me learn.

2. Interpersonal students seek the support of a group, value relationships, enjoy collaborative work, solicit input from others, and tend to be natural leaders in the classroom. To support this intelligence in the classroom a teacher should allow interaction among students during learning tasks and include activities where students work in groups. By doing this, it allows an Interpersonal student to learn best.
Intrapersonal students are normally comfortable with themselves, and they can express their feelings towards an activity. They normally have confidence in their own abilities, and are able to know both their own strengths and weaknesses. In the classroom it is helpful to use analogies when making comparisons and provide activities that offer the learner choices. It is also important to have the student set goals for him or her, as well as assess theirself. Providing a daily journal or some writing activity, which allows the student to express his or her feelings is also very helpful.

3. To support Interpersonal intelligence in the classroom it is best to have class discussions, chats, and collaborative projects. Other technologies that help stimulate this intelligence include post-it notes, laboratory, the intercom, board games and message boards.
To support Intrapersonal intelligence in the classroom it is best to keep journals or diaries. Some technologies that would help stimulate this type of intelligence include surveys, learning centers, children's literature, class discussions, and self-assessments.

4. Knowing my multiple intelligent strenghts helps me be able to teach and provide these kinds of opportunities to my classroom and students. However, it could also hinder my classroom if I only focus on those two intelligences. Therefore, it is necessary for me to know and understand all of the different multiple intelligences. By understanding the basics of all the different intelligences I can incorporate a little bit of every intelligence into my classroom. This would be the best solution for my classroom and my students.

I utilized the website to help understand and gain information about Multiple Intelligences.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First day

This is my first blog